
Kera Underglaze Brushing Colours
  1. Clean your piece using a sponge dampened with clean water
  2. Shake colour thoroughly for 30 seconds
  3. Apply a small amount of colour to the tip of a brush and apply to your piece. For detailed work use a very fine brush.
  4. If applying more than one coat, allow to dry thoroughly between coats.  If you wish to have a more intense colour apply additional coats to a maximum of three.
  5. Pre-firing before glaze application is not necessary.  Apply first coat of clear glaze by dabbing with the brush and subsequent coats with a normal brush stroke.  Always allow to dry between coats.
  6. Fire between 1060-1250 C (Cone 04-7)
Kera Underglaze Powders
  1. Mix 100 grams Kera Underglaze Powder, 40 grams water and 60 grams CGA Painting Medium
  2. Screen this mixture through a 60-100# screen
  3. Apply to your piece
  4. Clear glaze if desired
  5. Fire between 1060-1250 C  (Cone 04-7)
Kera Pencils
  1. Gently insert the Kera Underglaze Pencil Lead into the holder by depressing the button at the end and ensuring the lead is inserted with out bending
  2. Draw your design, erasing any unwanted areas with a standard pencil eraser
  3. ‘Fix’ your design with Kera Foundation Coat Spray to help prevent smudging
  4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 for further decoration
  5. Decorate around the pencil design with Kera Underglazes, Kera Engobes, Kera Chalks  and Pens
  6. If desired apply clear glaze before firing, dabbing the first coat then brushing subsequent coats
  7. Fire between 1060-1250C  (Cone 04-7)
Kera Chalks
  1. Draw your design, erasing any unwanted areas with a standard pencil eraser
  2. ‘Fix’ your design with Kera Foundation Coat Spray to help prevent smudging
  3. Repeat steps 2 & 3 for further decoration
  4. Decorate around the chalk design with Kera Underglazes, Kera Engobes, Kera Pencils  and Pens
  5. If desired apply clear glaze before firing, dabbing the first coat then brushing subsequent coats
  6. Fire between 1060-1250C  (Cone 04-7)
Kera Pens
  1. Trim the end off the applicator bottle cap
  2. Push the Green coloured nib firmly onto the applicator cap
  3. Shake the Kera Underglaze Ink and fill the applicator bottle
  4. Holding the pen at an angle squeeze the sides gently and draw your design on the bisque. Practice on paper first
  5. When you have finished decorating wash the applicator cap and nib with running water.
  6. Use the brown needle to clear the nib should it become blocked.
  7. Fire between 1060-1250C  (Cone 04-7)
Kera Trailers
  1. Shake the bottle thoroughly
  2. Make sure the nib is firmly attached to the bottle
  3. Draw your design, squeezing the bottle gently
  4. Allow design to dry thoroughly
  5. Fire between 1060-1250C  (Cone 04-7)
  6. Clean nib with running water and replace on bottle making sure air cannot get into bottle (covering with cling film is a good idea)
Kera Glaze Brushing Colours
  1. Clean your piece using a sponge dampened with clean water
  2. Shake colour thoroughly for 30 seconds
  3. Apply a small amount of colour to the tip of a brush and apply to your piece.
  4. Note the instructions on the label for how many coats are required
  5. Apply one coat at a time, allowing to dry between coats
  6. Fire the glaze according to the instructions on the label
Kera Engobe Brushing Colours
  1. Clean your piece using a sponge dampened with clean water
  2. Shake colour thoroughly for 30 seconds
  3. Apply a large amount of colour to the brush and apply to your piece.
  4. Three to four coats are required
  5. Allow to dry thoroughly between coats
  6. A cross-hatch pattern, alternating directions of each coat, is advised to reduce visible strokes
  7. If desired, decorate with Kera Underglaze colours; Kera Glaze Colours; Kera Pencils, Chalks, Penss and Trailers and Kera Clear Glazes. A Clear Glaze will achieve a glossy surface and seal the Engobe
  8. Pre-firing prior to clear glazing is not required. Apply the first coat of clar glaze by dabbing, then allow to dry. Apply subsequent coats in the normal fashion.
  9. Fire between 1060-1120 C  (Cone 04-02)
Kera Onglaze Brushing Colours
  1. Clean your piece with a sponge dampened with clean water. Do not handle the areas which will be decorated. Dry thoroughly.
  2. Shake colour thoroughly for 30 seconds
  3. Apply a small amount to the tip of a brush and decorate your piece
  4. Allow to dry thoroughly before further decoration
  5. To thin the colour add Kera Onglaze Brushing Medium drop-wise
  6. Do not apply too much colour – more than two heavy coats undiluted will cause cracking
  7. Fire 1080-1250C  (Cone 03-7) to the maturing temperature of the glaze to which you have applied the colours.
FastBright China and Porcelain Paints
  1. Clean your piece with a sponge dampened with clean water. Do not handle the areas which will be decorated. Dry thoroughly.
  2. Shake colour thoroughly for 30 seconds
  3. Apply a small amount to the tip of a brush and decorate your piece
  4. Allow to dry thoroughly before further decoration
  5. To thin the colour add FastBright Medium drop-wise
  6. Do not apply too much colour – more than two heavy coats undiluted will cause cracking
  7. Fire between 590-850C  (Earthenware approx. 750C / Stoneware & Porcelain approx. 830C)

Ceramic Printing Colours

Basic Screen Printing Technique

The process is similar to traditional screen printing with two notable exceptions:                                          

1. Less pressure is applied with the squeegee        

2. The squeegee is held at an angle just off the vertical  

Once your screen is made, place the screen over some paper ready to begin your test print. You should always perform some test prints first to get into the rhythm of printing.  Apply the ink to the screen as per the instructions below.  Draw the squeegee across the screen, taking care to keep the angle constant throughout the print.  Remove the squeegee from the screen by firstly lifting one side and allowing the ink to run off down the edge onto the screen.

If the print is blurred or heavy, you may be pressing too hard or the angle of the squeegee is too low.  If the print is too light, then the pressure is insufficient.

Kera Underglaze Printing Colours
  1. Stir thoroughly with a palette knife
  2. Apply evenly a half centimetre wide line of ink just to one side of the design on your screen
  3. Position the screen over the piece
  4. Print your design (see Basic Screen Printing Techniques)
  5. Gently peel the screen from the piece to prevent smudging
  6. Allow to dry thoroughly
  7. If desired decorate with any of the following: Kera Underglaze Brushing Colours, Kera Underglaze Chalks, Pencils, Pens and Trailers
  8. Clear glaze if desired. If applying by brush, dab the first coat to prevent any chance of smudging
  9. Fire between 1060-1250 C  (Cone 04-7)
  10. May be Transfer Printed as follows:
  11. Print your design onto transfer paper (tissue paper or non waxed lunch wrap)
  12. Within half an hour apply your printed design onto bisque or greenware. Gently run the paper to transfer the image onto the piece. Use a slightly dampened sponge to assist the paper into conforming to the shape of your piece.
  13. Once applied, allow to dry for five minutes before applying further designs
  14. Continue applying designs following steps 11-13
Kera Onglaze Printing Colours
  1. Clean your piece thoroughly using a sponge dampened with clean water. Dry thoroughly. Do not handle areas which will be decorated.
  2. Stir colour thoroughly using a palette knife. Apply evenly a half centimetre line of ink just to one side of the design on your screen.
  3. Position screen over piece.
  4. Print your design (see Basic Screen Printing Techniques)
  5. Gently peel the screen from the piece to prevent smudging
  6. Allow to dry thoroughly
  7. If desired, decorate with Kera Onglaze Brushing Colours.
  8. Up to five layers of Kera Onglaze designs may be printed. Firing between printing these layers is not required
  9. Fire between 1080-1250C  (Cone 03-7) at the temperature of the base glaze onto which you applied the print.
FastBright Low Temperature Printing Colours
  1. Clean your piece thoroughly using a sponge dampened with clean water. Dry thoroughly. Do not handle areas which will be decorated.
  2. Shake colour for 30 seconds. Apply evenly a half centimetre line of ink just to one side of the design on your screen.
  3. Position screen over piece.
  4. Print your design (see Basic Screen Printing Techniques)
  5. Gently peel the screen from the piece to prevent smudging
  6. Allow to dry thoroughly
  7. If desired, decorate with FastBright China and Porcelain Paints.
  8. Up to five layers of FastBright designs may be printed. Firing between printing these layers is not required.
  9. To ensure colours are food safe, it is suggested that a light coat of FastBright Glass Flux be applied over the fully dried design.
  10. Fire between 590-850C

FastBright Glass Colours

Suitable for commercial hollow ware, such as tumblers and vases, bowls and plates. For slumping, plate glass to 6mm thickness may be utilised. Any corrections may be made by gently scraping off dried colours, or washing the entire piece in water. To accelerate drying use a hair dryer placed at least 30cm from the piece.

FastBright Glass Brushing
  1. Clean your piece thoroughly using a sponge dampened with clean water. Dry thoroughly. Do not handle areas which will be decorated.
  2. Shake colour for 30 seconds.
  3. For very thin glass eg hollow ware, add FastBright Glass Flux (2 parts flux to 3 parts colour). This allows the firing temperature to be lower, preventing distortion.
  4. Apply a small amount to the tip of the brush and apply to the piece.
  5. Allow to dry thoroughly before further decoration.
  6. To thin the colour add FastBright Medium drop-wise.
  7. Do not apply too much colour – more than two heavy coats undiluted will cause cracking
  8. In addition to brushing, colours may be stencilled, air-brushed, splattered, flicked, marbelled and sponged.
  9. Fire between 590-850C – Slump Glass and Plate Glass 750-850C / Hollow Ware (eg Champagne Glass) 590-620C.  For FastBRight Metallic Colours fire between 780-850C
FastBright Glass Printing
  1. Clean your piece thoroughly using a sponge dampened with clean water. Dry thoroughly. Do not handle areas which will be decorated.
  2. Shake colour for 30 seconds. Apply evenly a half centimetre line of ink just to one side of the design on your screen.
  3. Position screen over piece.
  4. Print your design (see Basic Screen Printing Techniques)
  5. Gently peel the screen from the piece to prevent smudging
  6. Allow to dry thoroughly
  7. If desired, decorate with FastBright Glass Colours.
  8. Up to five layers of FastBright designs may be printed. Firing between printing these layers is not required.
  9. Fire between 590-850C  For FastBRight Metallic Colours fire between 780-850C

Bisqueware & Accessories

  1. Clean the surface of the piece with a damp sponge
  2. Allow to dry
  3. Stir Cerepair with a palette knife
  4. Apply a thin layer to both surfaces
  5. Bring together and apply light pressure
  6. Allow to stand for three hours
  7. Place in kiln and fire between 950-1200C according to the clay used.
Ceramic Enhancer
  1. Add a minimum of 5 drops per 1000ml of liquid glaze or clay slip.
  2. Mix thoroughly
Ceramic Stabiliser
  1. Add 10 drops per 1000ml of liquid glaze, underglaze or clay slip
  2. Mix thoroughly

Clean prior to decoration using a sponge dampened with clean water. This prepares the surface for brushing, encouraging good bonding of the colour.